The new Alimony Bill that was in the current legislature has met an untimely death due to the end of the session. On April 24, 2015, the Florida House passed their own version of the bill and the Florida Senate refused to take up the House’s version. Then unexpectantly and abruptly, the House adjourned early before the end of the legislative session. The early adjournment of the House effectively killed the alimony bill until next legislative session.
The major differences between the Senate and House versions is unrelated to alimony. The Senate version included a provision for a presumption of 50/50 timesharing between divorcing parents. The House version had no such provision, hence the disagreement.
The bill can be revived and put back before both the House and Senate when the legislative session begins in September. Supporters of the bill have said they will file the bill again during the next legislative session. Stay tuned as this fall may be just the right time for the alimony reform bill to finally be passed.
The post The New Alimony Bill is Dead for Now appeared first on Rechel and Associates.